Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Uptight drawer

One of the things I have always struggled with in drawings is being to fussy about details. I remember my college professors telling me to loosen up my drawings. I couldn't ever really get the fast sketching and preferred to fixate on small details rather than the big bold gestures. This is still something I am working on, but I did find an avenue of drawing that relishes in attention to detail. I took a botanical illustration class a couple of years ago and I loved it. Since then I have done some volunteer work for the Atlanta Botanical Garden doing drawings of various orchid species for the Fuqua Orchid Center. My favorite part of orchids to draw isn't the flowers, it is the thick leaves, roots and pseudobulbs.


L&R said...

I'm lovin' the links to wickipedia and the botanical garden.


Nina Johansson said...

Wow, this blog is full of inspiration too! I know what you mean about being too much into details, I feel that way too sometimes, but nowadays I CAN let go of the little things when I set my mind to it... It drives me nuts when I start on a really detailed drawing, then grow tired of it before it´s finished but still feel like I HAVE TO keep drawing until it´s done. A somewhat manic behaviour... ;)
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, and thanks for sharing so much of your own work on yours!

Dawn Gahan said...

Missy G,
I've tagged you for a meme! Go to my post today and check it out!

Dawn E. Girl