Thursday, June 26, 2008

Monasteries of Meteroa

Meteroa is probably one of the coolest places on earth. It is in central Greece and has these crazy rock formations. Around the 11th century monks started living in holes in the rocks and around the 14th century they constructed monasteries way up high on top of the rocks. The only way to get to them was by being pulled up on ropes, this was definitely not for any fear of heights travelers! Today only one of the monasteries is reachable by road. This is a drawing of that one, St. Stephen's monastery (see Jack sitting on the wall looking out at the great view). The monastery was closed on mondays so we went to another one Great Meteoron which is accessible by a lot of stairs.

1 comment:

DTPfromATL said...

wow courtney, i LOVE this one. you are so talented, but you don't need me to tell you that :)